Monday, 4 November 2013

Progress report for the market audit: producing the Infographic and finalizing supporting documents

Brief progress update:
This week produced our info-graphic and finalized all our supporting documents, ready to be handed in on the 5th of November. We finalized our key CSFs and refined all our research including the TOWS analysis.

Reflection on discussions:
We decided after looking at many different programs that Photoshop would be the best to produce the info-graphic. Additionally we spent a lot of our group time looking at what makes an info-graphic successful and the best way to prioritize our CSFs. The finalising of all the work and ensuring that all parts of the market audit has been produced faithfully was identified as crucial. Therefore we decided that it should be someone's main focus for the week.

Individual Contributions
Joe: Updating progress report, finalizing CSFs and TOWS.
Liam: Finalizing the Micro environment research and finalizing the TOWS.
Matt: Finalizing the Macro environment research and organizing bibliography.
James: Monitoring the quality of production and ensuring all parts of the report are produced faithfully.
Robby: Production of the Info-graphic.